Monthly Archives: January 2004

Mozilla in Scary Movie 3?

A couple of weeks ago, I went to the theatres with a couple of friends and we incidentally went and watched Scary Movie 3. The movie was mediocre, a few laughs here and there, but what surprised me was that I found traces of Mozilla in it!

I then took the time of compiling this page.

Laptop looks like it’s running Mozilla (Seamonkey), from the layout of the toolbar icons. (was clearer on the big screen :p)

The protagonist using Firebird, identified by the Qute theme icons and layout on what looks like a fusion of redhat’s bluecurve (window frames) and Mac OS X
(menu bar)?

The protagonist forgot to turn on popup-blocking: This was the unfortunate result…

Curious red dino in cody’s room… coincidence?

I might have missed some instances. If so, please tell me.