Monthly Archives: November 2009

Which words have the letter P in it and what’s the percentage?

Another code snippet from the useless dept, this time for PHP. If you’ve ever written a post and wondered how many words use the letter P (or any character), here’s something for you in PHP:
function find_words_with_letters($letter, $str) {

$a = preg_split("#[ \n\r]+#", $str);

$letterupper = strtoupper($letter);
$letterlower = strtolower($letter);

$result = array();
$result[‘word_count’] = count($a);
$result[‘words_with_letter’] = array();

foreach($a as $i) {
if (strpos($i, $letterlower) !== false || strpos($i, $letterupper) !== false) {
$result[‘words_with_letter’][] = $i;
$result[‘words_with_letter_ratio’] = count($result[‘words_with_letter’]) / count($a);

return $result;

// use it
print_r(find_words_with_letters(‘p’, ‘This message has one P’));


By the way, 17.3% of this post have P’s in it!