The versatile log4j is a popular logging framework for Java. Log4j 2 brings new advanced features and extensibility. Unfortunately, out of the box, it’s not very Android friendly. I spent a good day trying to perfect the usage and integration. Given the difficulties and workarounds required, I would hesitate to use Log4j2 for any Android project. This blog post is part commentary, part guide. If you really want to use it, check out my log4j2-android github for an example project. Hopefully this helps somebody out there.
Category Archives: android

Building an Android phone connected Door Bell with Light Blue Bean’s iBeacon
The Light Blue Bean built by Punch Through Design is a versatile Arduino device with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) built in. The Bean’s default 3v battery could typically last a month when running a minimal sketch. A door bell button is possibly the simplest arduino device you could possibly build. A press of the button would notify an android device through BLE that someone is at the door. This post will provide an idea on how this could be built using minimal power (on the Bean) and minimal code.
Dagger 2.0 Android migration tips
Dagger, a Java dependency injection framework, has just released version 2.0 and I thought I would try my hand at migrating my Android app, which is using 1.0, to the new version. It took me a few hours on an small-ish app with 3 activities, 6 fragments, 3 singleton services and 2 dagger modules (Application-level and activity-level). This was mostly because I used a fair bit of time banging my head against a brick war. To be fair, 90% of the conversion was smooth, but the 10% really had me lost. I will lay out some of the brick walls I ran into. The Dagger 2.0 website already have a migration guide which is good starting point. This blog post is meant to be a supplement to that.